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It's your business to know the difference.

Learn how to spot, avoid and report illegal business cartels

Types of cartels

Below are a series of videos designed to explain what each of the most common types of cartels look like in the reality.

Price fixing –

is when rival businesses agree what prices they’re going to charge.

Bid rigging –

is when rival businesses communicate before lodging their bids and agree among themselves who will win and at what price.

Market sharing –

is when rival businesses agree to divide a market so participants are sheltered from competition.

Wage fixing –

where businesses who compete for the same types of employees fix salaries; and information sharing about the terms and conditions of employees’ contracts.

No-poaching –

is where businesses agree not to hire each other’s employees.

Report a business cartel

If you’ve witnessed an illegal business cartel or been involved in one, you can do the right thing by reporting it to us.

If the information you provide leads to an investigation, you may earn a reward.

If you’ve seen something:

If you have been involved:

Tell us and you may get leniency.

We can provide confidential guidance.